State law requires parents to support their children, regardless of whether they are married or have ever lived together. When you are navigating a custody battle or legal action regarding parentage, the question of child support will likely come up.

Child support laws and requirements are complex, making it challenging for parents to advocate for themselves during legal negotiations. Our Murray child support lawyers know how courts calculate payments and can help you understand your rights.

Calculating Child Support

State law requires parents to financially support their children. If the parents are not living together, this assistance might mean one parent providing monthly payments to the other parent for the children’s benefit. State courts calculate child support obligations by determining both parties’ income, the number of children at issue, and how much time the children spend at each parent’s home.

Parents provide the court with financial information and a child support calculator worksheet. Each parent must verify their figures by providing copies of bank statements or pay stubs and tax returns to show their monthly income.

Child support calculations can be confusing and frustrating for parents, especially if one parent feels their ex-spouse is not contributing enough. We can provide insight into the nuanced laws at play and explain the practical implications of a judge’s decision, helping families to secure an outcome that suits their needs.

Enforcing Child Support Orders

Either parent may be able to make changes to a child support order, but they need to get permission from a judge before they deviate from the court’s initial decision.

If a parent fails to pay the total amount of child support they owe or does not do so on time, they impact the other parent’s ability to provide for their child. In these circumstances, the recipient parent can file a motion to enforce the previous child support order and hold the paying parent accountable for failing to follow through. In some cases, the court may impose fines or even send someone to jail for not paying court-ordered child support.

Legal action can be a powerful step to help parents get the financial assistance they need to raise their children.

Contact Our Murray Law Office

Child care, medical and dental costs, and educational fees all play a role in how much financial support a parent needs to raise their children. During child support negotiations, it can be difficult to keep calm and understand what is within your legal rights or obligations.

Our attorneys have years of experience in family law and are well-respected in their fields. We take a proactive and measured approach to ensuring our clients and their children are set up for success. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.